Click the link above to learn details about earning an ISA credential. Certification is developed and backed by the International Society of Arboriculture.  There are six ISA certification credentials, each of which is earned by passing a different exam. The links below will let you view and download the Application Guide for each credential.  

Prior to taking the exam, an applicant may want to prepare by reading the available manual available through ISA bookstore. Applicants can also prepare by taking a certification preparation course.

Once you are certain you meet the pre-requisites to sit for the exam, you can then register for a live paper based exam, or a computer based exam taken at a testing facility.

Paper-based exams are provided regularly throughout the Southern Chapter region. Volunteer proctors arrange and oversee each exam location. Take a look at the Upcoming Events page on this website to see if an exam date is listed in your area.

If the date and/or location of a paper based exam is not convenient for you, ISA has made arrangements with a computer testing organization so that you can take a computer based exam. These exams are the same as the paper exam, but questions are read and answered at a computer terminal located at a testing facility. You can reserve a date and location based upon your schedule and the facility’s availability. Details about computer based testing can be found in each of the application manuals listed above.

If you are interested in becoming a Tree Risk Assessment Qualified (TRAQ) arborist, click HERE for information about TRAQ courses and renewals held in the Southern region.


ISA certifications require that certificants earn a number of continuing education units (CEUs) over a period of time. The links below provide resources for upcoming classes and events to earn CEUs.


ISA now provides digital badges for ISA credential holders! Use this great tool to provide clients or other professionals a convenient way of verifying your status as an ISA credential holder. Its a great way to store a digital image of the printed certificate you received when you earned your credential. You can insert links in to your emails, social media pages, web sites or documents for others to easily verify your current credentials. You should have received an email form ISA letting you know about this service. Click HERE to access the ISA website with details and a short video about digital badges. This tutorial may be helpful as well. ISA Digital Badge Tutorial